Name:Northeast Africa 003
Abbreviation:NEA 003
Country: Libya
Fall: No
Class:Lunar (bas. breccia)
TKW, g:124
Bibliography:- Meteoritical Bulletin 90 - Haloda J., Korotev R. L., Tycova1 P., Jakes P., and Gabzdyl P. (2006) "Lunar meteorite Northeast Africa 003-A: A new lunar mare basalt" (abstract). In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII, number 2269, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston - Haloda J., Tycova P., Jakes P., Gabzdyl P., and Kosler J. (2006) "Lunar meteorite Northeast Africa 003-B: A new lunar mare basaltic breccia" (abstract). In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII, abstract # 2311, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston
MetBull: Direct link

Photo courtesy: Jakub Haloda

Photo courtesy: Randy Korotev

Photo courtesy: Sergey Vasiliev
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Last page access: 4/12/2024 2:20:39 PM